Concise Minutes - Finance Committee

Meeting Venue: Hybrid - Committee

room 3, Senedd and video conference

via Zoom

Meeting date: Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Meeting time: 09.30 - 11.50
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Peredur Owen Griffiths MS (Chair)

Peter Fox MS

Mike Hedges MS

Rhianon Passmore MS


Jonathan Price, Welsh Government

Julian Revell, Welsh Government

Rebecca Evans MS, Minister for Finance and Local Government

Emma Watkins, Welsh Government

Gawain Evans, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Owain Roberts (Clerk)

Mike Lewis (Deputy Clerk)

Martin Jennings (Researcher)



Registration (09.00-09.15)



Private Pre-meeting (09.15-09.30)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1 The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting of the Finance Committee.



2       Paper(s) to note

2.1 The papers were noted.



2.1   PTN 1 - Letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services: Health Service Procurement (Wales) Bill - Revised timelines - 30 June 2023



2.2   PTN 2 - Letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government - Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee - 6 July 2023



2.3   PTN 3 - Letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Welsh rates of Income Tax outturn statistics 2021-22 - 7 July 2023



2.4   PTN 4 - Letter from the Minister for Education and Welsh Language: School budget overspends - 11 July 2023



2.5   PTN 5 - Letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Financial information for Directly Funded Bodies to consider in their budget planning - 12 July 2023



2.6   PTN 6 - Letter from the Chair of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee: Draft Budget 2024-25 timetable - 17 July 2023



2.7   PTN 7 - Letter from the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd: The Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Bill - 13 July 2023



2.8   PTN 8 - Letter from the First Minister to the Llywydd: Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Act 2023 - 27 July 2023



2.9   PTN 9 - Scrutiny of the Welsh Government First Supplementary Budget 2023-24: Welsh Government response - 11 August 2023



2.10 PTN 10 - Letter from the Chair of the Reform Bill Committee - 23 August 2023



2.11 PTN 11 - The Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Bill: Welsh Government response - 1 September 2023



2.12 PTN 12 - Letter to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Cost of living payment - 11 July 2023



2.13 PTN 13 - Letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Cost of living payment - 1 August 2023



2.14 PTN 14 - Letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government - Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee - 7 September 2023



2.15 PTN 15 - Letter from Audit Wales: Notification of audit deadlines - 3 August 2023



2.16 PTN 16 - Letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Evidence papers supporting the 2024-25 Draft Budget - 8 September 2023



3       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (ix) to resolve to exclude the public from items 4,5,7,8,9 and 10

3.1 The motion was agreed.



4       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 - Technical briefing with the Chief Economist

4.1 The Committee received an economic and fiscal briefing from Jonathan Price, Chief Economist, Welsh Government; and Julian Revell, Head of Fiscal Analysis, Welsh Government.



5       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 - Technical briefing with the Chief Economist: Consideration of evidence

5.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.



6       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 - Pre-budget scrutiny

6.1 The Committee took evidence on the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 from Rebecca Evans MS, Minister for Finance and Local Government; Emma Watkins, Deputy Director, Budget and Government Business; and Gawain Evans Director of Finance.


6.2 The Minister agreed to provide:


·         A note on Welsh Rates of Income Tax (WRIT), focusing on how tax collected through WRIT is then realised in Welsh Government budgets.



7       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 - Pre-budget scrutiny: Consideration of evidence

7.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.



8       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25: Approach to budget scrutiny

8.1 The Committee considered the correspondence and agreed the approach to budget scrutiny and consultation letter.



9       Review of the budget protocol

9.1 The Committee considered the paper on the review of the budget protocol and agreed to write to the Chief Secretary to the Treasury.



10    Future work: Strategic planning

10.1 The Committee considered the paper on strategic planning.





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